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Jesus taught us, "Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." (Matthew 7:7-9)
Prayer is an invitation from God to draw closer. At Living Faith, we have many opportunities to accept this invitation.
Yet, despite Jesus' invitation to come to God with whatever we need, most of us at one time or another report that we have had difficulty with the practice of prayer.
There are many reasons that this happens. Sometimes with the busyness and the pace of life, our friends have found it hard to slow down and find the time to pray. Others report that they don't know how to pray or they feel like they lack the words or direction about how to pray. Still others don't feel comfortable praying for themselves despite the truth that we all need God to come close to us, especially at certain times in our lives.
Peace and Wholeness Prayer Ministry
Throughout our lives, many of us have had experiences that wound us and hold us captive.
We often find ourselves believing lies about ourselves, others and God. We struggle to deal with emotions such as fear, guilt, shame, anger and rejection, etc. These things can affect our relationships with others and with God. Sometimes, so far as to leave us isolated and alone.
When Jesus walked the earth, He declared that His mission was to ‘Preach Good News to the poor, Bind up the broken hearted, And set the captives free.’
Jesus continues that mission today through His followers.
Through Peace and Wholeness Prayer Ministry, we seek to partner with Jesus as he ministers His truth, healing and release for you.
For more information or a brochure, please contact the church office.
Sunday Prayer Ministry
Prayer ministry is available each Sunday Service during Holy Communion. This is an opportunity for anyone to receive prayer, either for self, a loved one or simply quiet time in the presence of our Almighty God.
There is never pressure to speak or pray aloud at any point, but rather this is an invitation to gather in prayer for things happening in our lives, in our community, in our church, and in our world.
Prayer Requests
If you have any prayer requests please submit them during Sunday service by filling out a 'welcome' card found in the church foyer or you may wish to email us using our contact form. Alternatively you may contact the church office.
Women on Wednesdays
You are invited to join a group of women who meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the calendar month beginning at 7.15pm.
This group meets in the Living Faith Lutheran Church and choose a study topic to follow.
Men's Ministry
A group of men meet weekly on Wednesday mornings.
Come along to Watto's Truck Yard (Brays Road, Murrumba Downs) between 6:00 - 7:00am for prayer and a chat ... and a bit of brekkie!
Read more: Men's Ministry
For more information on Prayer Ministry Meetings, contact the Church Office.