Our Mission

Our Mission as a Living Faith church community is To Love with the Heart of Christ and Serve with the Gifts of the Spirit in order to communicate the promise of eternal life by the saving grace of God given through our Lord Jesus Christ'.

Our Vision is:

To Make Disciple - To bring all people into a growing relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ'.

Grow Leaders - Who are emotionally intelligent, have a clear purpose in life and who know God's call upon their lives.

Send Them Out To love with the heart of Christ and serve with the gifts of the Spirit.

We have represented Living Faith's vision in the meaning of our community logo that incorporates the cross, the heart and the dove:

The Cross...

The cross is the basic Christian symbol representing the death of Jesus which Christians hold to be the central event in God's plan of salvation to the world. We hold the message of the cross to be "Good News" in that it brings us forgiveness, freedom and the way to eternal life. the Living Faith Church and School both operate at the foot of the cross: our message and our work emanates from that basic Christian belief.

The Heart...

The heart is the heart of Christ. As we are loved by Christ, as our lives are transformed by relationship with Him, so we want to reach out to others and include them in the circle of God's love. It is our intention to demonstrate the compassion, the tolerance, the unconditional acceptance that Jesus showed. The closer we are connected to him the more we can reflect him.

The Dove...

The dove, which is in motion, from the heart out, is the Holy Spirit at work in us, in action, reaching out. To serve is to put others first. We commit to using the variety of gifts the Holy Spirit gives, not for our own benefit, but in service to others.

This statement provides the rationale for and governs the worship life of Living Faith Lutheran Church, our Early Learning Centre, Primary School and Outside School Hours Care, in fact all our activities as a community at Living Faith.